
Cindy Masek
Community Contributor
Apr 15, 2015 10:19:33 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We are looking at using at least one other conferencing tool than BigBlueButton (BBB) and are wondering what other's experiences with various tools has been.  We love the subscription service that...
Likes: 30
I'm looking for tools to use to create engaging content review exercises. I would also like them to be live in Canvas and not require a link or passwords to a different location.  I've used Qu...
Likes: 12
It really depends what aspect of a course you are looking at when talking about a course.We adopted as a theory of student learning in distance courses the Community of Inquiry model for the college. ...
Likes: 11
I create several courses for non-academic purposes.  I started doing this back when were in ANGEL and have recreated them in Canvas last fall when we moved to Canvas.  I won't claim they are quite...
Likes: 9
We started Canvas last fall.  We are a small (700+ students) health sciences college with a tight budget also. I had created our own training modules in Canvas for faculty to complete - but you co...
Likes: 7

Most Recent Posts

We are a small college and so in-house solutions are less desirable.  I'd like to know about your experiences with the integration and what your purposes are for using the data.  We especially wis...
Jun 02, 2016 12:12 PM
This sounds very similar to where we were two years ago.  What we did is trained about 8 of our 60 some faculty (including adjuncts) as super users.  We made magnetic stars that they stuck to the fram...
Feb 05, 2016 16:19 PM
We are doing this now too for math placement testing.
Feb 02, 2016 09:03 AM
Personally I'd like something fairly simple.  Just text would be fine with me, so long as the notes copied over to the next semester along with the rest of the course content.
Jan 29, 2016 08:46 AM
This would be a wonderful feature. I came to this from a discussion about story notes on essay questions, but think this is more what I was picturing.  I know that on essay questions there may not be ...
Jan 25, 2016 12:04 PM

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