
Community Contributor
Apr 15, 2015 9:16:58 AM
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Born and raised in Indiana. Go IU!

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Thanks Erin, I think we can all agree that in the end we want to make all our lives easier on both ends of the Canvas spectrum!
Likes: 10
I think the more important question is how many Pokestops and Gyms are there around Keystone?  I live in an area with hardly anything so I can only play once i go into town for work or errands.  Would...
Likes: 9
I was asked today by one of my instructional designers if there was a way to create a grading scheme without using percentages for the course.  Instead they wanted to use benchmarks or points/scores a...
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Erin thank you for the response.   My institution has not had any users complain about this change but I wanted to post a response because i feel this exposes a larger issue.  Why are we continuing to...
Likes: 9
I second this, this feature does not seem ready for prime time to me. If anything this should be a feature option/beta feature option we can choose to turn on as I see more deterrents than benefits wi...
Likes: 8

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As an early adopter of Canvas Catalog we have always seen the potential for what Canvas Catalog could deliver for our non credit use cases at Indiana University.  After years of pushing Instructure to...
Jun 8, 2021 1:21:00 PM
Andy,My team has been disappointed with performance with this on Beta.  We were told that this runs better on production so we turned this on in production yesterday to test after notifying all our ad...
Jun 1, 2018 11:15:46 AM
You had me at "Grade Change History will be unlimited"
Jul 28, 2017 11:18:54 AM
I was not able to attend this year as well, thanks for the update.  Super disappointed to not see Quizzing 2.0 available now.  Seems to me a lot of expected items did not come this year ( last year as...
Jul 28, 2017 11:13:43 AM
sure but if the end goal is to take this away since it has been identified as deprecated then Canvas should note it everywhere its referenced
Jun 23, 2017 12:17:04 PM

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