
Community Participant
Apr 15, 2015 7:50:45 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I think we are talking about two different OneDrive instances.  Personal OneDrive looks like the image Susan posted. OneDrive for Business doesn't have the Public folder like Personal OneDrive has...
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At this point in time, OneDrive folders are only sharable via adding names of people or email addresses.  One can set the sharing to be View or Edit.  The documents themselves can be shared using a li...
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Not working for us as well. Teachers can create the slots, but students can't see the slots or see the "Find Appointment" button as shown in instructions. I'm the Admin and doubled che...
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This new way of dropping the lowest grade is not a great option and requires more setup and steps than when faculty could do this via the Gradebook, not via Assignment Groups. We have four marking per...
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That did it! Thank you. Kinda like wanting to look to do brain surgery when all that's needed is a pair of tweezers. The simple things - thank you Chris!
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Most Recent Posts

This new way of dropping the lowest grade is not a great option and requires more setup and steps than when faculty could do this via the Gradebook, not via Assignment Groups. We have four marking per...
Oct 23, 2023 10:41 AM
That did it! Thank you. Kinda like wanting to look to do brain surgery when all that's needed is a pair of tweezers. The simple things - thank you Chris!
Oct 08, 2023 12:33 PM
Hey all, I did an sis import in our test environment where I did a report for enrollments for last year, yearlong sections. After changing "active" to "deleted" I imported the file. I ...
Sep 26, 2023 07:57 AM
So, in case things blow up when we start next week, if I use the Report for Developer's Keys as suggested above and do a search for the Old URLs in the Permitted API endpoints and get "No resu...
Aug 09, 2023 16:16 PM
Nightmare here. I went through all the steps and various webpages that are posted for testing out the Turnitin LTI 1.3. Made a 10 minute video of where it kept failing (thinking it was something I was...
Apr 27, 2023 13:30 PM

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