David Spiel
Community Participant
Assistant Director EdTech
Apr 1, 2015 1:59:45 PM
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Been working in EdTech (eLearning) since 2007. Started off in WebCT, moved to Angel, and then Canvas.
Most Liked Posts
I enabled it for the Campus on the 18th and came back into work with a list of email complaints that took me an hour to reply to after disabling the feature. Why would you even show the previous/next ...
Sadly with all the poor design and functionality it appears there are no usability testers. When you have programmers who only program without really understanding how tools are used this is what you ...
and they need to remove pages and have all comments on a running thread. Students will rarely look at anything other than the initial page.
It is time to admit that New Quizzes is a failure and start from scratch. I can give SO many reasons why our institution will not move to New Quizzes, but will only give a few.
Less bells and whistles...
Would be nice if they saw the importance/value of fixing this so that a tool could be used and work.
Most Recent Posts
Sadly with all the poor design and functionality it appears there are no usability testers. When you have programmers who only program without really understanding how tools are used this is what you ...
Wish I could click the like button a thousand times.
Often the second page get zero responses. It needs to be one long thread!
I enabled it for the Campus on the 18th and came back into work with a list of email complaints that took me an hour to reply to after disabling the feature. Why would you even show the previous/next ...
This is so long over due. It not only can put colleges in legal issues, but it would be so much easier to follow the student throughout all their courses. It could/should also extend the amount of tim...
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