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Aug 3, 2020 9:52:55 AM
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found the answer here:  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Question-Forum/Read-Only-Columns-in-Grade-Book-Export-CSV/m-p/154134#M66242
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This is super unfortunate.  My TAs have been disappointed with the Instructure provided grading tools, so I was like "oohhhh, there's a REST API!, I'll just whip up a new one in a few hour...
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Is canvas studio a separate product from canvas?  If so, is it possible to get an individual license to use canvas studio and how much would such a thing be?
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Also, I have a restAPI token.  Is there a way to make this happen using the restAPI endpoints? 
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Sorry, you misunderstand.  I am NOT using question groups.  Do I need to disable question groups (like in a course setting) somehow in order for my students to see the quiz?
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Also, I have a restAPI token.  Is there a way to make this happen using the restAPI endpoints? 
Apr 20, 2022 14:56 PM
Is it included in any of the "extra" grade fields?  When you export, there's a "final posted" and a "final unposted" and some other stuff. I reopened a bunch of old stuff s...
Apr 20, 2022 14:54 PM
I have a (old-style) quiz that my students took.  There is a 0pt question on the quiz that is "essay" format.  The grades won't show until I manually score each of these as a 0 instead of ...
Apr 20, 2022 14:25 PM
I have toggled the auto vs manual setting for the whole gradebook during my investigations into getting things to display in just the right way.  It sounds like this is probably what has happened.  In...
Feb 15, 2022 12:15 PM
So students are unable to review their first submission until I grade their essay answers?  Note that I don't want them to see the correct answers, just to see what they previously submitted.  If ...
Feb 15, 2022 09:58 AM

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