
Community Explorer
Aug 18, 2020 6:59:32 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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same issue. I've had to find the assignment in the assignment page, copy to, select the SAME course I built it in and select the module I want it to go to. It's a work around but NOT what I sh...
Likes: 2
is there a way to get the actual grade to be displayed when "assignment graded" notifications are posted? this would be SO much more convenient for both students and parents. 
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I have recently ran into this problem of the missing assignment counter not counting all missing assignments through both my view (teacher) , students, and observers. Under a particular student's ...
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Agree --- both the to-do list and the link from grades section for the assignment should take students to the assignment to complete. My students who are missing assignments didn't care enough to ...
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Agree --- both the to-do list and the link from grades section for the assignment should take students to the assignment to complete. My students who are missing assignments didn't care enough to ...
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Most Recent Posts

I have recently ran into this problem of the missing assignment counter not counting all missing assignments through both my view (teacher) , students, and observers. Under a particular student's ...
Feb 08, 2023 05:49 AM
Agree --- both the to-do list and the link from grades section for the assignment should take students to the assignment to complete. My students who are missing assignments didn't care enough to ...
Feb 08, 2023 05:42 AM
Agree --- both the to-do list and the link from grades section for the assignment should take students to the assignment to complete. My students who are missing assignments didn't care enough to ...
Feb 08, 2023 05:41 AM
please fix this. this is a complete waste of time going back and unmarking "missing" for students who manually submit work.    as of now, even if i enter the grade before it is due, I can on...
May 06, 2021 07:19 AM
agreed, this  should be an automatic removal if points are added without a submission --- in hybrid mode, I have students uploading from home and students handing me papers that are in class   how do ...
Mar 02, 2021 12:44 PM

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