Shifting point values in enhanced rubrics

Community Participant

I've been testing the Enhanced Rubrics feature preview and discovered a significant issue with point values that requires immediate attention. Here is a YouTube video demonstrating the issue:

When working with multiple criteria in an enhanced rubric, point values inconsistently revert between custom values and defaults:

  1. First Criterion:
    • I created a 25-point criterion with custom rating names
    • When duplicated, the new criterion initially retained my custom points and rating names
  2. Inconsistent Behavior When Editing:
    • When editing the first criterion and duplicated criterion (by tapping the pencil icon), they sometimes display default point values (4-3-2-1)
    • Other times, when tapping the pencil again, they correctly show my custom 25-point values
    • The blue point bubble beside the criterion shows 25 points regardless of what appears in the editor
  3. Drafting New Criterion Issues:
    • When creating a completely new criterion using the Draft New Criterion button, it initially retained my 25-point values from the first criterion
    • Rating names reverted to defaults, and descriptions were blank, as I'd expect in a new criterion
    • After saving, the points shifted from 25 to the default four as I opened the editor several times
    • Continued editing causes points to fluctuate between custom (25) and default (4-3-2-1) values

This inconsistency appears triggered when switching between editing different criteria and makes creating reliable rubrics impossible.

Has anyone else noticed this particular issue?

Thank you,


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