ChatGPT or any AI tool incorporated towards grading assistance

Community Member


I would like to get some starting pointers/guidance, if possible, on the feasibility of employing AI-enhanced Canvas features towards exam/quiz grading.  Think of it as employing a grading assistant (GA) within Canvas.

I have generally never relied on multiple-choice, True/False type of quizzes, mine are generally such where students provide answers either through paragraphs or problem solving equations.

However, as of lately my classes have ballooned and the University does not have the resources for a GA.  Though I can easily build multiple-choice, T/F question banks and have them be rotated, I am thinking to employee some AI-enhanced Canvas feature (a-la ChatGPT) to assist with grading.

Is there any research in this area, and are there any starting pointers/best practices strictly applicable to Canvas?

Thank you for any help provided.

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