Will edited question in New Quizzes show up in a second attempt of the same quiz?

Community Explorer

When editing a New Quiz question after a student has submitted a response, I get a warning that I can only edit a copy of the item, which means only students who have not answered this item will see the edited version.

The problem is that the error I am fixing is very minor. For example,

  1. students answer a fill-in-the-blank question where they are marked wrong because they did not capitalize a letter in the answer choice. ie. they typed "answer" instead of "Answer."
  2. I went back and edited the answer choice to so that the answer is in lower case since the instruction states that all answers should be in lower case.
  3. student takes a second attempt on the quiz where it pulls from a bank of multiple questions.
  4. on this second attempt, they get the same problem they were given in the first attempt. Since the instruction told them not to capitalize their answers and I had fixed the answer, they would type in the answer with all lower case. Their answers are marked wrong because they had seen this question before.

In Classic Quiz, I was able to make simple edits and students were able to see the new edited item when they take a second attempt on the quiz.

Therefore, am I understanding correctly that once a student has seen the test question, they will never see the edited version in any future attempts? I am assuming that means that the only workaround will be for me to manually regrade their answers every time they re-test or delete the test and reassign a new one for everyone?

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