Canvas Studio Auto-generated Captions Censoring Words

Community Explorer


Is there anything that can be done to disable the censoring that happens in the auto-generated captions in Canvas Studio? I am a Canvas admin and I had a faculty member report to me over the weekend that Studio was censoring words including "pornography" and "orgasm" in her lecture. These words are crucial to the lecture content, so not only is this needless censorship in a higher education forum, but it is also an accessibility issue for students who rely on captions to be accurate.

The instructor obviously was able to edit the captions and correct the censored words, but she should not have had to do that. "Pornography" and "orgasm" are not profanity. And I would argue that words traditionally considered to be profane, should not be censored in captions either if we are truly concerned about providing an equitable experience to our students who rely on captions.

Please advise!


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