Suggestion: make it easier to suggest improvements to Canvas

Community Participant

Please make it easier to suggest improvements to Canvas.  My understanding based on past experience is that the helpdesk personnel are not supposed to pass on suggestions, and instead instructors are supposed to come to this Canvas community and enter into a conversation, and then have one's suggestion voted on by the few Canvas users who happen to show up in the appropriate window of time. This has the effect of discouraging suggestions, and therefore turning away opportunities for improvement.

I have in fact gone through this community process several times, and despite nice people responding, I usually feel that I have wasted too much precious time.  (I have complained about this in different ways in the past, but I'm trying one more time.)

If my assumptions are wrong because the policy has changed, that's great!  I'm not aware that it has. (I would know it if this site had a prominent "Feedback" or "Suggestion" button or link, but I haven't noticed that yet.)

(I do have a specific suggestion at present, but I don't think it's worth bothering to offer it if there is not a better procedure for offering suggestions.)


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