CD1 Requests vs CD2 web_logs: completeness and correctness

Community Participant

The CD1 Requests table included a significant disclaimer: "The data in the requests table is a 'best effort' attempt, and is not guaranteed to be complete or wholly accurate. This data is meant to be used for rollups and analysis in the aggregate, _not_ in isolation for auditing or other high-stakes analysis involving examining single users or small samples. As this data is generated from the Canvas request log files, not a transactional database, there are many places along the way data can be lost and/or duplicated (though uncommon)."

However the CD2 web_logs table does not have a comparable warning. This blog post also suggests significant improvements have been made to the data quality of the web logs.

So, can users now be confident that the CD2 web log data is complete and correct, and suitable for "auditing or other high-stakes analysis involving examining single users or small samples"?

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