Announcements: Until Date not enforced when using a direct link

Community Champion

I received a question about announcement visibility when the new Until Date was used. When testing as a student, I found that the announcement was no longer visible to a student on the Announcement Index page after the until date passed. That is what I would expect to happen when an Until Date is in use. However, if I access the announcement through it's direct link, such as the one in the announcement notification, I was able to open it without issue. I even see the "available until ..." text at the top of the announcement. I would expect students to receive a message such as "This announcement is no longer available", "This announcement has expired", etc.

Additionally, as an instructor I see the "posted on" date/time on the Index screen but no information about the until date unless I open an announcement. It would be helpful to have until dates included on the index screen, and even a separate tab/list/filter so instructors can clearly and quickly see which announcements are no longer visible to their students.

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