Are new quizzes endpoints available in API developer key scopes?

Community Participant

We have someone in our organization developing a customer application for building Canvas quizzes. As the admin, I've provided them an API Developer Key with scopes enforced. The application supports classic quizzes, but they also want to build for Canvas New Quizzes. Some of the New Quizzes REST API endpoints they are using are:

  • url:GET|/api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes/:assignment_id --> Get a single new quiz
  • url:POST|/api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes --> Create a single new quiz
  • url:GET|/api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes/:assignment_id/items --> Get new quiz items (questions)
  • url:POST|/api/quiz/v1/courses/:course_id/quizzes/:assignment_id/items --> Create new quiz items (questions)

I'm not seeing these in the API Developer Key scopes. Are they not available?

If I turn off enforce scopes, which I would rather not do, would they be able to hit those endpoints?

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