Discussions Redsign: Where are the Checkpoints? (aka multiple due dates) DO IT NOW!

Community Participant

I mean really.  This has been on the "radar" and "list of options we want" since at least 2011!

The discussion board about "discussions" has been alive since 2015:  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/Discussions-Multiple-Due-Dates-checkpoints-for-Discu...  

Can it be done?   Instructure keeps pushing back the date for it:   It was Q2, then Q3.  Now is it Q4?   Or never?

This for us is the deal breaker.   All other options / updates / revisions are just eye candy and window dressing.   Please stop trying to fool us with all the flashy toys.   None of them are operational as we would like anyway - clearly from the discussion here where there are calls to halt the enforcement on July 20 until some of those are fixed!   We also support the calls for NOT enforcing this release.   Especially if it does not have checkpoints (aka multiple due dates for discussion posts).

Bring out the checkpoints!   No mention of them at all in the latest blog post.  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/The-Product-Blog/Canvas-Discussions-Update-Our-Latest-Improvement...   

We would like to see them in this release if it is to be enforced upon us.  Otherwise, this is just an exercise in futility.  Customers are going with other products (LTIs) that do discussions much better.   

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