View graph of student participation

Community Participant

I'm feeling dumb asking this question, but I only ever used this functionality at the end of a course to see a student's last attendance/participation as required for my final grade entries.

I used to be able to find (usually with a small amount of searching) a page on student activity in a course that gave me a graph of their grades, both entered by me and entered automatically for online assignments.

I believe showed the assignments on the y-axis, the dates on the x-axis, and the student's time spent and grade in the graph itself.  It would be cascading graph of "blobs" of green.

I accessed it either thru People or Gradebook.

This semester I cannot find that activity timeline graph anywhere.

Perhaps it is gone now with the New Analytics replacing it?

But I can't find what I want in New Analytics (not yet anyway).

Does anybody remember this graph and where it was found?

And is there anything similar that is still available?

Edit: I found a picture of the Graph that I mean on this page  How do I view analytics for a student in a course? - Instructure Community - 969 (

It is in the "View Submissions" section.



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