Trying to figure out a way to make sure important subject matter is read and considered.

Community Novice

I am making a canvas course that includes a module about what the Library's Code of Conduct is. This is very important and and its important that each student worker reads and understands each point/statement. As I have it now, its a lot of text on a page. I am wondering if there is any way to make them progress through each point more slowly. Like maybe embed a powerpoint with each point on an individual slide? I'm imagining each statement of the code of conduct would be on one slide, followed by a slide giving an example or scenario of what it means in practice. 

I am using HTML to format and code my courses. 

Is there a way to make viewing slides required to move forward? I know each module you can require the pervious module to be completed before being able to access the next one, but is there a way to do that within a module? Any way to check comprehension as a page or presentation progresses instead of at the end?  

Any other ideas how to go about conveying this information? Attached is what the page currently looks like, zoomed way out so you can kind of see the whole page. 


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