New Quizzes RCE Error Message

Community Coach
Community Coach

Has anybody seen this issue with New Quizzes? I am trying to determine if this is a New Quiz or Respondus LockDown Browser issue as I am having a difficult time duplicating the error message.

All of the questions and images fired correctly, but multiple students had an error message pop up (image attached) when they started the exam in Lockdown Browser that said: “The Rich Content Editor has encountered an issue. It has been logged for your instructor to review. Please refresh and try again.” (see attached image). The problem was that when students did refresh, the exam screen went blank and would not continue to load.  They ended up having to log out of the laptop and start the process over completely. We discovered that students who simply canceled the message and did not refresh their screen were able to continue in the exam without any problems.

This is happening on the Stimulus question type throughout the exam. I have looked at the code in the RCE to make sure there was nothing hidden that would cause the issue.  Since I am have a hard time replicating and I am not sure if it is an issue with New Quizzes, Respondus LockDown Browser, or both, I am hoping someone out here might no a bit more.

Can you explain what this error message means and what should be done to prevent it from happening in the future? 


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