Canvas Catalog Connect With Google Tag Manager?

Community Member

I am trying to create a Google Tag Manager GA4 Event for conversion tracking when someone enrolls through out Canvas Catalog. 

I already have our Canvas Catalog connected to our Google Analytics, however it isn't connected to our tag manager which is where I set up all of our events tracking from to funnel into google analytics. 


My goal was to create a GTM Tag for when someone gets the "/checkout/enroll/*set of numbers here*" 

that way when that Regular Expression type of page view is triggered, it can count it as a conversion in Google Analytics. However, when I went into the preview mode after doing this on our Google Tag Manager, it said that our canvas catalog (which ends with is not connected to Google Tag Manager. 


Does anyone know how I can either: 

1. Get GTM connected to our Canvas Catalog 

2. Track enrollments through our Google Analytics without tag manager (I've looked this up and it appears that GA4 cannot do RegEx events only on the GA4 interface so not sure if this can even be done another way)

3. Another method that I have not mentioned yet. 


Hopefully, we can find a solution! Counting on this community to help solve this as I appreciate it. 

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