Canvas grades changing when manually entering a quiz grade

Community Member

I give New Quizzes to students, but there are a few students who take paper quizzes. I have the grading set to grading scheme, but will change that to percentage and enter in their paper test score as a percentage. This works for most of my students, but a few of them will jump up 10-20 percentage points when I enter the score and hit enter. I can go into speed grader and enter as the grading scheme, but the grading scheme defaults to the top percentage and I want a more accurate score. It only has happened for about 4 students. They do NOT have an online quiz score (I was thinking that it was keeping the highest score, but that is not the case). The score switch happens as soon as I enter in a percentage, and if I enter the same score in over and over, it defaults to the other score. 

I have added a video of what is happening. Student in the middle functions normally. Student on top and bottom default to a much higher grade. 

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