Microsoft OneDrive Integration - surely not?

Community Champion

We have just added the Microsoft OneDrive integration (twice, as we could not believe what was happening).

It now appears that the link to the file or embedded document is NOT dynamic. Any changes you make mean you have to re-upload the file. What is more, students cannot download the document you upload


The previous Office365 integration allowed both of these things to happen.

I have spent a long time trying to check if this was true. So far I have only been able to find this from Denver University -  Using Canvas’s Rich Content Editor (RCE) to Embed Files from Microsoft OneDrive – DU Ed-Tech Knowled... which suggests that this is the case.

If this is true then it is a MASSIVE step backwards. We are trying to encourage Canvas to be more dynamic and move away from a vast repository of links. With the previous integration, a huge advantage was improving workload whereby teachers could make changes and updates on the fly without having to go through the delete/upload cycle. 

No-one has mentioned this anywhere on the integration so I had assumed that the problem lay with our set up. Please, please can someone let me know..



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