Community Coach
Community Coach

That's a great question, @sd20. I did a test in one of my classes and see that the dropped score is grey, but that color is not very distinct from the black score for scores that are kept. In the embedded image, the 8/10 for the top assignment is a score that was dropped, but the 10/10 for the second assignment was not:

Top score is dropped, bottom score is not.Top score is dropped, bottom score is not.

Currently the best thing you can do is alert your students to the subtle color change. A better long-term option is to suggest to Instructure that some kind of notification appear on the page. The process to do so is described in the pageHow do Ideas and Themes work in the Instructure Community? You might suggest that the developers use the pill that appears for instructors on the tray for that score on the Grades page:

Grade tray with "dropped" pillGrade tray with "dropped" pill

Creating an idea does not provide an immediate solution to the problem you described, though it is a solution. I’m going to mark it as such and hope that our colleagues who have a similar challenge will find the best way to contribute.

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