Is anyone using STEMscopes with Canvas? Any programmers here with insight?

Community Contributor

I was disappointed to learn that the STEMscopes integration with Canvas is missing a lot of the features our teachers use and love that are available through the Google "waffle." We met with someone from STEMscopes, and he basically said it was too difficult to make those features work with Canvas.

We had to take STEMscopes out of Canvas and return it to Google, which is a blow to our efforts to get teachers to switch to Canvas. Do any of you programmers out there know what the issue(s) may be that prevent that company from making their product work with Canvas?

It's really difficult for me to promote Canvas when our third-party e-curriculum resources don't work with it. Everything is "just easier" with Google. (I'm not-so-secretly hoping that Google gets slammed with these accusations of monopolistic tendencies.)

Any thoughts/advice/insights?

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