New Quizzes Copy To Broken Links

Community Member

Historically, I have been able to either "Copy To," "Send To," and "Import Existing Content" new quizzes with images and have no difficulty. Even today, If I use these functions on archived quizzes with images, there is no issue transferring from one class to the next.

At my school, we are no longer able to do this. It was first documented on 9/25/23 within my team. The questions transfer without an issue. But images do not transfer from one course to the next without showing a broken link. Or, if I take an archived quiz and add a new image, the images not replaced transfer from one class to the next, but new images do not transfer. I have been working with the Learning and Information Technology coordinator at the district, and he is saying that we can't just "Copy To" anymore, and that we really should go through the "Import Existing Content" button. I have tried that in the last month with no change on whether or not links are broken. So, his additional information was that not only would we be selecting the quiz we wanted copied, we have to select the files as well for the images, which creates additional steps for something that wasn't previously that complicated. 

If this is true, why do the archived new quizzes still transfer images without breaking links? Are you working on a solution for restoring the system where we can simply Copy To instead of Import Existing Content, which includes also finding the files for the images?

Thank you for your time.


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