Too Many Clicks on Canvas

Community Member

Hi I know there is a suggestions page but I don't have time to read through every one to see if this has been suggested before. I know that Canvas the company wants to make their product the best it can be. So just from a teacher who uses Canvas every day, the platform takes way too many clicks. This is what myself and many other teachers would like: 1) When creating an assignment, have more options available. Mainly, where exactly in your modules you want to place the assignment. This option is available when copying an assignment from one class to another, so why not when you are creating the assignment the first time? 2) Speaking of copying, make it so that when you can make an assignment you can choose which of your classes you want to post the assignment to.


3) when you do copy an assignment to another class, make it so it is the same category of assignment in your other classes. For example, when I copy a formative assignment from period 1 to period 3 it turns it into an imported assignment and then you have to do a million clicks to turn it back into a formative.

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