Restricting TA role with New Quizzes

Community Participant

Hi all,

I have a question about restricting the TA role.  Our institution doesn't allow TA's to do any grading, so I've gone into the permissions for that role and disabled anything related to grades.  They are also disabled from adding/deleting/editing Quizzes.

I thought this would take care of things, but I noticed if I'm using a new quiz, my TA is able to get to the moderate tab of a New Quiz and can therefore see the student's grade...they could even grade an essay quiz that wasn't graded yet.  So this totally screws up our ability to use new quizzes with those that need a TA role.

I opened a ticket with support and they told me this was expected can this be expected? It completely circumvents permissions you have setup.  I know New Quizzes is coming in as an LTI, so that might complicate things...just curious if others are dealing with this.


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