Individual assignment weights in weighted groups

Community Explorer

I've seen conflicting information about whether it's possible to weight individual assignments within weighted groups. For example, if I have 3 assignments within a group weighted at 20% of the total grade, and I want assignment 1 to be worth 25% of the group, assignment 2 to be 25% of the group, and assignment 3 to be 50% of the group, is it possible to do this using points? So, assignment 1 = 25 points, assignment 2= 25 points, assignment 3=50 points, and those will be weighted differently within the group? Or, does canvas just automatically distribute the weight evenly regardless of points, meaning that each assignment would be worth 33.3% of the group grade?

In short, do the points of individual assignments have any impact on how much they're worth in the group? There's conflicting information in the other community posts.

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