
Hello, my name is Jackie. I am a member of the K12 CSM team 🙂 I see that you have some questions about Canvas for Elementary. 

  1.  Is there any way to get rid of the Banner on the individual course pages?   Several teachers are concerned about all the real estate it takes up.   

Currently, there is no way to remove the banner. The idea with Eleemtary theming is to make it easier, even for our non-readers to recognize things like colors and use them to navigate. Unlike classic Canvas the C4E theming allows a teacher to set a color that persists for all students so they can use colors to direct students in navigating their course content. 


Home .png





2. Is there any way for it to default to modules as students enter instead of page view?

Yes, a teacher can rearrange or move modules to be the first in the navigation and make it the default when a student opens their subject page. Additionally, the teacher can move the "home page" to be hidden from students if they are not planning to use it. 



Reading - Modules Student View.png

I hope this helps you to get started on your Canvas for Elementary journey! 

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