Course Evaluations

Community Member

I am the administrator for the course evaluations at TMCC. We use Watermark Insights Course Evaluations & Surveys. Our instructors are able to view their course evals in Canvas. However, I've had several instructors who cannot see the link to view their course evaluations. 

Once in a while, I will have an instructor who cannot see their course evals and it's usually because they have multiple usernames in the system (they had a name change or took a class and are now an instructor). I have been able to merge the accounts and the problem is fixed. 

However, I've had several instructors at the end of Spring 2023 semester who have been able to see their evals in the past, but suddenly cannot see their evlas. They've not had a name change or have multiple user names. I put in a ticket with Watermark, but their support team has not been able to solve the issue so far.

Has this happened for anyone else? What was the issue? How did you fix it? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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