Hiding Assignment Groups in the Gradebook

Community Explorer

Our school recently switched from term courses in Canvas to year long courses. In a lot of ways, this was a great move. However, my gradebook is now cluttered with excessive empty assignment group total columns. This isn't an issue if you look all grades for all terms throughout the year, but no one does that. There is a filter option to display assignments from the current term, but this does not filter out assignment groups that are unused for that term. I do not use the exact same assignment groups each term, so by the spring I end up with 10-15 empty columns in my gradebook.

I know this question has been posted many times before. However, it's been two years since any posts have been made and it still seems like this is an issue. If this problem has been solved, please let me know. From my research here, though, it seems like it has not.

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