504 Gateway Time-out when accessing users with large enrollments

Community Champion

This week I am noticing intermittent 504 Gateway Time-outs when accessing users with large enrollments. I have submitted a support ticket and their suggestion is to delete enrollments for large volume users or:

One option would be to create another account for those users once they reach a certain number of enrollments. to be created during the next semester.

Otherwise, I don't believe we would have another way of being able to prevent that delay/504 error from occurring while accessing those students or teachers, due to the volume of information being requested on the user page. 

Neither of these is an option for us since the users are faculty and their classes/enrollments are part of our academic records, and our users are created by our SIS using unique SIS IDs for each user.

Anyone else having the same issue? If so, what is your work-around? Right now I am waiting to hear more back from support and just reloading the page until it loads (it usually does, but very inconvenient). Any input is greatly appreciated.


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