Scheduler appointments not visible as student

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I'm a Canvas admin. I recently learned of the Scheduler appointment group feature. I have checked with my institution's CSM and verified that the feature is enabled in our instance. I would love to be able to tell our instructors that they can use this feature for appointments. Our CSM referred me to the guide for instructors for creating appointments,

In my test course, when I log in as admin (which has a teacher role in the course) I can create a group appointment and save it to the course's calendar, as in the first screenshot I've attached.

However, when I log in using a test user that has been added as student to the course, I am unable to see the available appointments. According to the guide for students, there should be a Find Appointment field in the Calendar sidebar. However this field does not exist. The course name shows up as an option (shown in blue in the second screenshot) but there is no Find Appointment field.

Is there something else that I need to do as admin to enable this feature?


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