Bug - Observer not Switching Student Views Properly

Community Member

I am a Canvas observer for several students at a local high school as part of my role as a tutor.  I have noticed, since the beginning of this school year, that when I try to change from student 1 (we'll call them) John Doe to student 2 (we'll call them) Maria Sanchez, the dashboard doesn't refresh and instead continues to show John Doe's classes.  This is true for any switch from any one student to another student.  To see Maria's classes, I have to (1) select Maria in the dropdown student selector on the top right, then (2) manually refresh my page.  This gets VERY tedious when I have MANY students I am working with and I have to manually refresh my page EVERY time I need to change students, which is likely dozens of times a day.  This seems like it would also be very annoying for normal parents observing two or three children Canvas students, so this is not a niche or edge-case bug -- it just happens to make my life in particular extremely irritating.

I am using the latest update of Google Chrome at the time of writing.

As an observer (or perhaps as part of the school district's settings) I do not seem to have the option to submit a support ticket, and could not find anywhere else to do so, so I am posting here.  If there is somewhere more appropriate for me to submit this bug report, please let me know and I will do so.  If there is an existing thread on this issue, please let me know and I will go vote "I also have this question" on that thread.

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