Why am i suddenly unable to edit a discussion board assignment?

Community Explorer

In previous years using Canvas, i would create discussion boards and have them be graded assignments with clear expectations and a grading rubric. However, i would set the assignment to "0 Points Possible" and "Display Grade as Complete/Incomplete." After the discussion period, i would use the rubric to give feedback (with point values removed). A couple weeks later, i would go back and change the settings to "15 points possible" and "Display Grade as Points." (theres a whole philosophy here about reducing grades as motivation for coursework, but thats another conversation).

The question is: this system has worked well for years, and suddenly now it is not. The drop down menu for "Display Grade As" as been disabled, and i cannot change it from "Complete/Incomplete." Also, i cannot unpublish the discussion board (not that i want to, its just strange to me). Anybody have any idea what the difference is? Why am i unable to make these edits suddenly/ What changed? Did i check a box or mess up some setting, or is this a new "feature" of Canvas?

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