Hi @LeslieGabbert,

Assuming you uploaded the syllabus document to the Canvas files area, and aren't linking to an external source like google drive or dropbox...

In edit mode on the syllabus page, click the link you created then and click the "link options"  from the menu that appears.  If the document is previewable, you should see a "display options" section on the flyout.  In that area, change the selected option to "preview inline" and "expand preview by default" options.  I believe that will get things working as you'd like.  As far as I remember, this used to work for most file types that Canvas could preview, but in my testing just now the preview option isn't appearing for PDFs anymore, though it does appear for Word docs.  Possibly a bug, but since you said you have a Word file, you should be set.

Hope this helps!


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