LTI picks up role in course, not role in Canvas

Community Champion

Hello Community!

Not sure this is really an issue or question but thought I would share something I discovered today because it threw me at first.  As a Canvas admin, I sometimes add myself to courses for ease of access.  I recently added myself as a student to a course just to show someone how to self-enroll in the course.  I am guessing it is rare that admins are students in courses but maybe it happens.  For New Quizzes, it seems to pull your role in the course and not your role in Canvas.  I was trying to get to the moderate area of the New Quiz in the course I was a student in and once you click "build" (when it essentially is launching the LTI) it put me in Student mode and I could not get to any of the actual build areas until I removed myself from the course.  At first I had forgotten I enrolled as a student in the course and could not figure out why I could not get to anything.

I checked with support and they believed that this was normal "bleed through of roles" but thought I would post here in case it happens to anyone else.

Have a great day!


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