Any way to bulk remove all students in a particular section from a course?

Community Explorer

Good day.

We have a course that is being used as a resource site for students. This means the course has not been assigned to a term and does not have start or end date. In Fall, we enroll each cohort of incoming students into the course as a section (titled with the year of enrollment).

We would like to be able to remove students from the course who have graduated by section (bulk remove). 

I see that we can add an end date to a section, which might be a reasonable short term solution. However, it's unclear if closing a section also removes it from areas of the course where sections can be selected (such as announcements).

For us, the best solution would be to remove these students from the course. Is there a way to accomplish this from within the Canvas course? Or is bulk removal via API our only option?

Thanks so much for any insights you might have!


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