Discussion forums: creating different threads

Community Member

My college has just moved to Canvas, and there's one feature I really miss from our previous platform. In my discussions, I'm used to posting a general prompt--and then having each student "add a new discussion topic" in reply to that prompt, with each topic appearing as a separate thread with its own unique title. Then the other students can go through and read each initial post in the thread and decide which threads they would like to respond to. Some threads thrive and others wither, but that's fine. 

I've tried several ways to make it work with Canvas, including giving students the power to create their own Discussion topics--but then those topics are not included as essential parts of the posted Discussion. For now I'm having students highlight their initial posts, but it's not a good solution. Students still have to scroll through long, long discussions rather than keying in one a couple shorter discussion threads.

Anyone had any luck with this? Thanks in advance!


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