Script to pull "teacher" time in course and pull "student grades"

Community Participant

I would be willing to hire a consultant who can help us set up some scripts and teach us how to run them.  We are looking for a daily dashboard that the Assistant Dean could use to answer questions like, "Of all teachers with published courses in Canvas this term, who did not log into Canvas for 3 days in a row?"  Other questions we'd like answered at the end of a term by running a script using data include, "How many minutes did each teacher with a published course spend in the Canvas environment this semester?" and "What were the student course grades for each published course in Canvas that had a "teacher" that failed to log in 3 days in a row?"  This is an important project to us.  We have other questions.  We need a consultant.  We do have the Canvas Data Portal.  Let me know,  Summer is a great time to take this on. 

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