Custom grade formula for a group

Community Member

My university recently switched to Canvas from Blackboard.  I am trying to figure out if there is a way to do a custom weighting of tests based on performance.  I am trying to achieve the following:

  • 40% Assignments
  • 60% Tests (Final 100 points, Midterm 100 points)

    Tests = Max(0.7*Final + 0.3*Midterm, 0.3*Final + 0.7*Midterm)

The idea is if a student scored better on the Final than the Midterm, then the Final will be given more weight than the Midterm.  Similarly, if the student did better on the Midterm than the Final, then the Midterm will be given more weight.

For assignments, it is very straightforward to assign 40% weighting.  Is there a way to achieve the custom weighting for the tests?

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