canvas does not work for safari browser

Community Novice
I can access canvas by google chrome, but I cannot access it by safari. I can use Google Chrome temporary, but I don't think it is right.
I have been using safari to access canvas for more than two years. This problem seemed to appear since last semester. Sometimes, I cannot access canvas by safari, and then I can use it again two days later. I think there is a bug or problem with the canvas website because my safari does not have problems to access any other websites. One of my classmates told me that she also encountered the same problem since mar. 2. I think ubc it has the responsibility to solve this technical problem, rather than forcing students to update their systems or just switch to other browsers. I don't think I need to talk more about how important canvas is to every student. I don't want this problem to delay my study or disturb others' study (students who also encounter this problem). I think it's inappropriate to force users to update the latest version of software every time it has a latest version. I hope ubc it can fix it as soon as possible.
  • Safari 14 and 15 (Macintosh only)image0.jpeg
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