"Correct answers are hidden" in Speedgrader. How to make them visible?

Community Explorer


I am an instructor.

I need to print an exam with the exam questions and correct answers for possible inspection by our government. I use question banks so can't print from the edit quiz screen. I succeeded after a long search by opening Speedgrader on a good exam and printing the exam window. So far so good.

The problem is that this works for the exam which I made this year but NOT for the exam from last year (which I can open in my course from last year under "Past enrollments"). The issue there is that Speedgrader still shows me the exams but NOT the correct answers anymore. It says "Correct answers are hidden". See attached screenshot (circled with red is the "Correct answers are hidden" message.

Can I unhide the answers? FYI, it is no longer possible to edit a quiz in past enrollments.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

(and while at it: please make a button to print reference exams from question banks easily...).

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