Kaltura block on Macintosh Safari and Chrome - 3rd Party Cookies

Community Novice


I have had no luck over the last few days with my attempts to get Safari and Chrome to work with Canvas. Firefox will allow me to access Kaltura for some reason. My attempts at seeking support through UITS at Indiana University have been nothing but frustrating. 

When I log in to Chrome or Safari and enter Canvas, the Kaltura app will not open. It gives me this message:

"It seems your browser is blocking 3rd party session cookies which are required for the Kaltura application. To resolve this issue, please update your settings to allow 3rd party cookies."

Here's what I have tried:

  • Turned off and switch VPNs
  • Set preferences to accept all 3rd Party Cookies
  • Restart both browsers and Macbook running latest OS.
  • Emptied all caches

I made no changes to Firefox, except allowing for 3rd party cookies and it worked. Yes, I should stick with Firefox and I will for now, but this kind of error disturbs me because my students use a variety of browsers. My job is to teach them and this kind of thing is a significant disruption. 

Can anyone off some guidance. I know my way around, but I'm no sys-admin. I just want to be able to send my students the videos they have and not have to play - which browser will work today.

 Thank you for any help.

John Herrin



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