Removing late penalties in an entire gradebook

Community Member

I copied a course from last year that had a late penalty of 10% per day down to 60% policy.  This year I chose not to use the policy, so I unchecked it.  This morning, I had a concerned student approach me because he got notified (sometime Sunday night after our tech folks did their maintenance day) that several of his assignments now had this late penalty.

I went in the gradebook, and the late policy had been turned on, so I turned it back off,  (Which was janky - like I had to try a few things to be able to "Apply" the changes) but now there are hundreds of late penalties that won't go away - basically any quiz that Canvas graded that was late, now has this penalty.  I have read in this forum that deleting a late policy doesn't get rid of old late penalties (Why???) so the question is:

What is a quick way to get rid of all of these late penalties that I didn't assign?  (I know you can click in the gradebook at the little arrow after each score, which brings up a sidebar, in which you need to check that the status is "None") - but we are talking about hundreds of scores - not 10 or 20?

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