
This new feature is great... but missed an essential piece. Choice.


Account Admins need the ability to choose which Sub Account users will create custom (Manually Created) courses. We do not want users to create courses where they have active enrollments as these are typically SIS courses and Manually Created Courses sub account has a different purpose in our environment. We've had a custom feature to do this for years and we create Sandbox (user created) courses in that sub account.

We'd like the ability in the Account Settings feature to pick a single sub account that's appropriate for users to create their course.


This needs a 'Select the sub account for course creation' dropdown.

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The feature is already capable of allowing the user to select a sub account on another instance, if that's part of the Trust/Consortium and the user has an enrollment there. If we select 'Sandbox' sub account for each instance within this feature, we'd like the user to be presented with those 2 options.

Sandboxes - Instance 1

Sandboxes - Instance 2

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I think other's are looking for this as well.


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