Question Banks/Item banks

Community Explorer

Everything I've read states that if you migrate a quiz that pulls questions from a question bank, they will not migrate over to New Quizzes. I have a classic quiz that pulls questions from a question bank (via a question group). I migrated that today and 66 out of 103 questions migrated over. Has anyone else experienced this?

**Edit** Update: The quiz was migrated from Blackboard, so I assume that is why the Item Bank was created? When I migrated a quiz that originated in Canvas it did not pull the questions or create an item bank. This is interesting. 

Also, on the New Quiz, there is a question group linked to the Item Bank that was created. When I click on Item Banks I can type the name of the bank in the search bar and find the bank. But if I try to find it by changing the drop-down to All My Course Banks, nothing appears. Also, since I am an admin, I do see many other item banks even though no one is using New Quizzes yet.  

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