[ARCHIVED] Mastery Paths - Retaking the Initial Assessment

Community Member

I am a middle school math teacher beginning my journey into using mastery paths. 

I have students completing a Check for Understanding (CFU) on a particular topic as a Quiz. Based on their score, they are given an assignment to remediate or enrich their understanding. After they complete and submit the assignment, they can go back to original CFU and retake it to improve their score. 

My problem is that after a student retakes the CFU and moves into a score interval, their initial assignment for remediation or enrichment disappears (even if they had something submitted). Even if a student improves their score and is now ready for enrichment, I want them (and me) to have a record of needing, completing, and submitting the remediation. 

I really don't want to have to make a new quiz for them to take (even if it's a duplicate of the original with a new name) because I'm linking scores to an Infinite Campus gradebook. I need to keep all scores under the same assignment. And making a duplicate for each attempt (some students need more than just a second one) is also too cumbersome. 

Thanks for any recommendations or suggestions!


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