[ARCHIVED] Can I have an assignment with a value different than its point total?

Community Participant

In most LMS or gradebook systems I've used in the past, you can give an assignment a different value than the number of questions it has for the purpose of weighing each assignment within a category. For example, I give in person assessments (mathematical problems that require students to show work) and some quizzes have more questions than others, meaning they will have more points in total. However, I want these quizzes to be weighted the same. 

I have done a fair amount of searching and have not found anything useful. Most of the workarounds involved doing some calculations on a spreadsheet, which is totally unacceptable and defeats the purpose of having Canvas that can "do everything". Or you can use New Quizzes, which doesn't work for me because the type of assessment given are done on paper by hand. This seems like something that can be easily coded in to Canvas, but isn't. Am I missing something?

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