[ARCHIVED] Calendar Feed: Date Format Influences Visibility in Outlook?

Community Champion

Context: When using the *.ics URL from Canvas Calendar, faculty have noticed that some events do not appear in Outlook's calendar. In examining the *.ics sourcefile, I believe I've discovered a correlation:

Events successfully appear in Outlook when their DTSTART and DTEND fields are formatted as follows:

  • DTSTART:20211021T150000Z
  • DTEND:20211021T180000Z

Events fail to appear in Outlook when their DTSTART and DTEND fields are formatted as follows:

  • DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211020T000000
  • DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211020T000000

My 3 questions to the community:

  1. Has anyone else encountered this problem with Outlook Calendar? (Google Calendar seems to handle things just fine.)
  2. Has anyone else noticed the above correlation, or is there another explanation?
  3. Has anyone got a ready fix? 🙂
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