Postman Paging

Community Champion

I've seen the posts from several years ago about this topic, but I've yet to actually find an answer yet, so I thought I'd ask here again.

Has anyone found a way in Postman to automatically follow Next links in order to get a complete list in one output?  For example, using /api/v1/accounts/:account_id/terms, has anyone found a way to grab a complete list of all their terms without sending separate GETs manually to request page 2 or page 3 of results?  If so, I'd LOVE to see an example or get a brief walk-through on how you did it.  I hate having to write a custom script just to get beyond the API paging limitations or running a bunch of manual updates to copy/pasting output into another application for simple things that apps like Postman could do quickly and easily for us.

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